On April 21st with the support of the Bolashaq Academy administration, 38 international students studying at the Bolashaq Academy visited the Kazakh Drama Theatre named after Saken Seyfullin to see Barsu Abdurazakov’s drama “Aynalayyn” on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan.

The main title of the play is “Hello, Mother, It’s Me. But the director of the play, Aidyn Salbanov, thought it appropriate to rename it “Aynalayyn”. Indeed, what word can contain the kindness of a mother and the warmth of a mother more than “Aynalayyn”. The story is about a mother and her son, who has left for another city. He calls her at strictly defined hours, and to the question “Can I talk to you for a minute more?” the only answer is, “Mom, I’m at work.” The message of this drama is obvious: don’t forget your parents, don’t push them away, because children rarely call and communicate with them, especially when they get their own family. Barzu Abdrazakov’s play is written in the genre of psychological drama.

Such visits to theatrical performances play an important role in the development of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, in the formation of aesthetic taste and interest in art and creative activity.