Visit of the Deputy Mayor of the region to Bolashaq Academy

On November 7, Deputy Mayor of the region Nukenov Abzal Nukenovich paid a working visit to Bolashaq Academy.

The meeting between the mayor and the faculty was held in the conference hall of the Academy.

The role and significance of the third mission of higher education in the modern world was discussed, the degree of involvement of the Academy in the implementation of the third mission of higher education was discussed. Each department of the Academy offered its variants of cooperation with the population of the region: financial, legal, psychological consultations.

Abzal Nukenovich paid special attention to research work in higher education institutions. “It is necessary to show the Karaganda scientific school. Let the whole world know “Bolashaq” academy. This is the image of Karaganda region and the Republic as a whole,” summed up the Deputy Mayor of the region A.N. Nukenov.

A tour of the Academy was held for Abzal Nukenovich. He visited training sessions of students, specialized training rooms and laboratories, answered questions of students and teachers.

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