The students of the group U-18-2 of our Academy Aruzhan Mukhangalieva and Elmira Saken took part in the International scientific-practical conference “New horizons of development of legal science and improvement of national legislation”, organized by International university Astana and Pyatigorsk State University in Nur-Sultan city on the 24th of November 2021, devoted to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan independence.
Within the framework of the ISPC students made a scientific report “Crime in the conditions of the pandemic” and took part in the competition for the best scientific article among students and undergraduates. The supervisor of the scientific article, professor of the department of legal disciplines, candidate of law sciences Abdizhami Aitugan Zhumakhmetovna.
As a result of competition the organizers received scientific articles of about 30 young scientists, and scientific articles of our students Aruzhan and Elmira won a prize II place.
Our students are grateful to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity to take part in ISPC.