Educational (introductory) practice of students of the 1st year of the educational program “Pedagogy and psychology” of the Bolashaq Academy of Karaganda took place in secondary school No. 86. The training practice took place from January 23 to February 03.

The main purpose of the practice is: to prepare students for the profession of a future teacher-psychologist, to familiarize them with the tasks and content of the work of a teacher – psychologist in the field of future activity, to expand and consolidate professional competencies formed during the study of theoretical and practical courses at the Academy. The object of practical activity of the future teacher-psychologist are psychological and pedagogical social phenomena, processes, phenomena defined in the discipline and educational sphere of students.
Secondary school No. 86 was opened in 2012. Specializes in Russian and Kazakh. The number of students at the school is 1,340, the number of teachers is 105.

On the first day of practice, students got acquainted with the school administration, director Asamidanova Guldana Ibraikenovna and heads of the educational part Aigul Beinazarovna, Zhanar Kazievna and heads of educational work Bakhyt Kaldaevna, Sakenova Tazagul. A full tour was conducted inside the school. I got acquainted with Tolganai Raushan, a teacher-psychologist specializing in the Kazakh language, and Karina Samalovna, a teacher-psychologist specializing in Russian.

In general, students were provided with detailed information about the work of a teacher-psychologist at school, with whom and how they should work. The teacher-psychologist at the school works not only with children, but also contributes to the correction and consolidation of the relationship of children with parents, the relationship between teachers and parents. Due to the current changes, the teacher-psychologist at the school cannot work without the written permission of the parents. Parents can also come to a teacher-psychologist and ask him to personally work with the child. A teacher-psychologist is required to obtain written permission from parents at the beginning and middle of the year to work with a child for one year. If parents do not want a psychologist to work with a child, you can not allow it.

The teacher-psychologist works on 4 main directions: psychodiagnostic orientation, psychological prevention, psychological consultation, psychological correction and development, i.e. correctional work. Students studied the practice plan with a specialized teacher-psychologist Tolganai Raushan in the Kazakh language, got acquainted with the plan and received additional information about the volume, with the materials they need to work in the period of practice.

The head of the practice Sabira Sartayevna consulted with students, using the practice of business recommendations and councils.

During the time of practice, students were awarded with high-quality and significant awards for their tasks.
The work of a teacher-psychologist in the school is very interesting and responsible. The work with children was carried out in connection with it, which is very small.
The results of the report of students were evaluated by a differentiated approach from the established rating system of the report.