Student and Master’s Paper Contest

Dear students and master students! We invite you to take part in the competition of student and master’s research works.

The students and graduate students of all courses of the Academy can take part in the contest of research works. For each research direction of the competition (8 directions) the best work is determined.

The competition of student and master’s research works is carried out for the purpose of development at students and master’s students of skills of research work and search creativity, attraction of students and master’s students to research activity, to realization of social orders on problems of development of the Kazakhstan society and its education sphere on the basis of innovative technologies and selection of the best student and master’s works for participation in republican competition.

The subject matter of scientific works submitted for the contest should be connected with actual problems of modern science and development of Kazakhstan society, first of all it is devoted to formation and development of education sphere, solution of problems of education, upbringing and development of the younger generation.

The contest is held in two stages.

The first stage. During the period from January 20 to February 20, 2020 it is carried out at the departments, where the best works are selected and sent for participation in the higher education stage of the competition. According to the results of the first stage of the competition NIRS experts of the department and those responsible for NIRS select and send the best research works of students and graduate students. Recommended by the departments or scientific circles, properly designed, the contest works are sent to the coordinator of the scientific department until 17:00 February 20, 2020 (16 Erubaev St., 201). All works should be encrypted by an employee of the science and innovation department and for the experts should arrive anonymously.

The second stage. From February 20 to 24, 2020 – the work of expert committees. The competitive expert commissions approved by the order of the Rector for all educational programs consider the incoming works, assess their quality and importance, determine the prize places.

On February 25, 2020 at 14.00 the competitive commissions meet and conduct interviews with the contestants on the topic of work. The place for interviews is determined by the Chairman of the LSMS in the control room from the free auditorium fund and informs the experts and the Science and Innovation Department about the audience. Competitors shall speak at the expert interview one by one according to the registration of works.

Upon completion of the second stage of the competition, an order summarizing the results of the scientific works competition is issued. The results of the competition and the awarding of the winners are held in a festive atmosphere on February 28, 2020.

The winners will be determined for further participation in the next stage of the competition in the basic universities of the RK.

The regulation on the contest is attached:Положение-о-конкурсе-НИРС-2020.docx download

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