One of the remarkable events that has become a tradition at Bolashaq Academy is the lectures given by teachers in front of colleagues in connection with their research object. This, on the one hand, speaks about the lecturer’s search and achievements in the field of science, and on the other hand, it offers listeners other options on the research topic that make them think. This implements ways to share experiences.

One of the most popular lectures that fully meet such requirements was “The Spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people.” The lecture was delivered by Abduov Mukhammadgali Ilyasovich, Doctor of Philology. The content of the material included important issues related to the history, language, traditions, and religion of the Kazakh people. The lecturer, being an expert in oral literature, compares each conclusion with folklore. So, Speaking about the history of the country, in ancient times there was a large state called “Kazakh”, in connection with the subsequent Kazakh Khanate, in connection with this the word “Kazakh” refers to the word “Kaz”. Also, according to tradition, in the version of the yurt consisting of six wings, there were seventy-two uyks, which indicated that each of them has a distance of 5 degrees, and 72 multiplied by 5 gives 360 degrees, which indicates that the day passes between the two uyks for 15 minutes. which indicates the time. In addition, he talked about many other issues. Thus, he showed a comprehensive knowledge of the laws of existence of the early Kazakh people.

At the end of the lecture, many teachers, such as Abylbaeva B.A., Abdrakhmanov R.H., asked questions and received answers. The audience was particularly interested in Abjad’s question. The religious literacy of major Kazakh figures of the 19th and early 20th centuries was raised before the development of Abjad education. One of them is closely related to the forty-five edifications of the great poet, Hakim Abai.

The teachers who participated in the lecture received a lot of informative and interesting information about the traditions of the Kazakh people and, one might say, consolidated their knowledge.