As part of the legal status of an individual, which caused a heated debate and interest in today’s society, discussed the issues of bankruptcy, bankruptcy, the way out of the financial deadlock and provided by the draft legislation.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Bolashaq Academy Kopzhasarova Sagyngul Izbasarovna and Assistant Professor Abdizhami Aytugan Zhumakhmetovna, Senior Lecturer Zhumzhumaev Nurtay Surshaevich held a round table on the theme “The rights of individuals: Bankruptcy of Individuals” with the invitation of famous lawyers and participation of students of groups U-20-2, U-19-2 of the Academy. The discussion was held in a mixed format.

The guests of the event shared for the students and participants the valuable information concerning the bankruptcy of an individual, performed legal analysis and discussed the issues.
At the end of the event, the guests were presented with certificates from the academy administration. The students spoke about the effectiveness of such events and expressed their gratitude to the organizers. The head of the department of legal disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich finished the event by rewarding the guests, wishing them creative success and success in their work.

Guests of the event:
Marat Asanovich Estemirov, PhD, M.S. Assistant Professor of KazGJU named after Narikbaev, online participant;
Khamzin Ulan Mauenovich, PhD in Jurisprudence, Legal Consultant, Member of the Legal Chamber of the Alliance;
Ondyrkhanova Zhuldyzai Mauletovna assistant of private bailiff of executive district of Karaganda region Sartayev Daniyar Olzhabayevich;
President of Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems, Professor, Academician Atserik Saryevich Aitimov;
Professorial staff and students of the educational program of jurisprudence of the Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems.