At present the abundance of corruption facts does not leave indifferent every intelligent citizen no matter in what sphere of society he/she is. The new political course of the country puts corruption in the category of direct threat to national security and directs the state and society to combine efforts in combating this negative phenomenon. In this connection on November 19, 2021, the Academy “Bolashaq” together with the Republican Public Association “Nationwide movement against corruption “ZhAҢARU” held the final discussion of the “Concept of anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026”. The round table was held in offline and online format. Earlier this movement discussed this concept in various regions of the country. The chairman of the round table meeting Abdikarimov Oralbay Abdikarimovich. The moderator was professor of the Academy “Bolashaq”, Doctor of Law, honorary academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Nurgaliev Bakhyt Moldatyaevich.

During the discussion Denis Shakenov, Head of Department of Agency RK for Counteraction of Corruption in Karaganda Region, Doctor of Law, Professor Adzhimurat Alybalayevich Isayev, Director of Scientific Research Institute of Economics and Law of Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Law, Professor Talgat Akhmatzievich Khanov spoke. Also, the Director of the Research Institute of Law at “Turan” University (Almaty), Doctor of Law, Professor Talgat Akimzhanov Kurmanovich. Professors from the Bolashaq Academy did not stand aside either. Doctor of Philosophy Nabi Elikbaev told about the issues of education of future specialists, a candidate of law, Professor Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybolatovich told about the ways of improving the concept of anti-corruption policy. Also, the 3rd year students of “Bolashaq” Academy Marlen Kozhakhmetov and Amina Kabdolla made a presentation titled “STUDENT self-governance as an EFFECTIVE INSTRUMENT TO CONTROL CORRUPTION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS”.

Also by the decision of the Academic Council the Chairman of the RPA “Zhanaru” Oralbay Abdikarimov was awarded the title of honorary professor of the Bolashaq Academy.

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During the round table participants made several proposals aimed at preventing corruption, as well as discussed the content of the document.