Pedagogical practice-school of advanced training of a future specialist

It is known that the teaching profession is the noblest profession on earth. Because with his knowledge, mind, that is, with his whole being, he performs a socially significant function in the development of the personality of the future citizen of society. A person from the moment of his existence always strives to learn, to pass on his experience to the younger generation, to consciously assimilate life experience. Pedagogical practice plays an important role for young teachers in mastering such a wonderful profession. Students realize the whole school life, the connection between class and school, learn that the educational work they do is directly related to the work of other teachers and the entire teaching staff.

On January 23, 2023, pedagogical practice began for all students of the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature of the Academy “Bolashaq”. The heads of the practice together with the students visited schools, introduced students to the school, subject teachers, schoolchildren. Students will demonstrate their knowledge at events and open classes held during the practice. Good luck to all students!

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