From 28th till 29th of March 2011 the Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich by the invitation of the regional scientific and methodical center “Saryarka Daryny” took part in the annual regional stage of the Republican Olympiad, as a chairman of the jury in the section “Fundamentals of Law”.

The event was held in the walls of the Karaganda Economic University. At the regional stage of the competition were more than five dozen students, some of whom due to weather conditions could not take part directly.
Participated students 9 – 11 grades of Karaganda region. The winners of the competition will defend the honor of the region at the national stage.
The Olympiad was held in two stages. The first was a legal essay competition, the second – testing on the basics of national legislation.
For modern schoolchildren such events in the light of measures taken by struggle for academic honesty in the form of proctoring cause many problems, but nevertheless schoolchildren are trying, gaining experience and I am sure our contestants will cope with the tasks at the Republican stage of the competition with honour!
Good luck, schoolchildren!