Online competition of readers on expressive reading among students of academy Bolashaq, devoted to 150-year anniversary of Akhmet Bajtursynov.
Objective: to popularize the work of Akhmet Baitursynov among young people.
Requirements for the candidate to participate in the contest:
- Expressive reading of Akhmet Baitursynov’s poems.
- At the beginning of the video the name and group of the student must be voiced;
- The video must have music and visual accompaniment;
- The video must be of high quality and with observance of aesthetic requirements;
- The duration of the video must not exceed 1-2 minutes;
- The duration of the video must not exceed 1-2 minutes; The video must be sent via telegram application.
- Submissions will be posted on Bolashaq Academy’s Instagram @academy_bolashaq;
- Winners will be determined with the help of a jury and by comments and likes.
Addendum to the contest rules: the contest commission will monitor the voting process, in case of detecting manipulation, the use of such tools as likes or comments scoring, the commission will decide to disqualify the participants for violating the conditions of competition.
The deadline: 01.02.2022-10.02.2022.
Materials are accepted through the application telegram at this number: 8 (707)622 4352.
Contact phones: 8 (707)622 4352; 8 747 534 1391; 8 (775) 989 1054. (You can get more information at these contact numbers).