Karaganda. In the current academic year the agreement on cooperation in the sphere of science and education was renewed, the work of branches of two chairs was continued: “Pedagogy and psychology” and “Foreign languages and intercultural communication”.

November 13, 2019, a meeting was held between the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation T.P. Smolkina and the administration of the gymnasium: Deputy Director for Academic Work Lyubov Nikolayevna Savinova and Deputy Director for specialized training Irina Anatolievna Yesaulova. Prospects of joint scientific and educational-methodical work in the actual for today direction “Gymnasium profiling”, and also assistance to pupils in professional self-determination were defined.

Social-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical problems of introduction of profile education in general education institutions; organizational and managerial issues influencing the profiling of the educational process; comprehensive preparation of students for future professional activity – these are the topics of discussion and will be the subject of joint scientific research of the university scientists and teachers of the gymnasium in the future.

In the process of implementing the agreements, the university and gymnasium teachers undertake to cooperate, for which they will:
– regularly exchange information and assist each other in providing scientific and educational activities;
– to exchange specialists, research workers, teachers, students and master students;
– assist in professional development of staff and teaching staff;
– to organize bases for carrying out research and practice;
– provide opportunities for scientific internships and advanced training for specialists, employees, teachers, students, and master students;
– conduct joint research, educational and cultural projects, events, programmes, seminars and conferences;
– assist in publishing the results of research and methodological developments;
– peer-review publications and research papers published by staff, teachers, students and master’s students;
– to exchange contracts in the field of the subject with teachers, students, master’s and doctoral students;
– introduce each other to the plans for publishing monographs, research papers, scientific collections;
– exchange experience;
– inform employees and the public about joint activities.

Besides, Professor T.P. Smolkina got acquainted with the work plan of the branch of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, held a meeting with school psychologist Karligash Nurmukhanovna of Kerherbaeva, and talked to Zoya and Pavel about professional self-determination of 8th grade students.
Together with the school psychologist K.N. Kengerbayeva, T.P. Smolkina took part in the round table on “Prevention of the use of narcotic substances: the whole truth about HIV-AIDS”, which was attended by high school students, gymnasium teachers, representatives of law enforcement agencies, regional narcological dispensary, Board of Trustees.

It should be noted that currently the students of pedagogical specialties of the third year of the Academy are studying the discipline “Pedagogical skills”, so when attending classes in the English language club, which was conducted in the gymnasium by a student of group In-17-1k Pisareva Tatiana (in the framework of the branch of the Department of FL&IC), Tatiana analyzed the practical skills of the future teacher to form a professional image.
We are very pleased that the joint work of the university and the gymnasium is always fruitful, has reached a new level and is gaining momentum.