Karaganda at the junction of epochs (II half of the XX century – I half of the XXI century)

On March 7, 2023, an event dedicated to the Day of the City of Karaganda was held among students of all educational programs of the Academy within the framework of the local history circle.

The Vice-rector for SVR Ismailova R.N. addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, focusing special attention on the role of local history study as an important component of patriotic education of the individual.

Moderator of the event, Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines Ilyasova A.U. told about the potential of the Postcrossing project (www.postcrossing.com ) as an innovative technology to popularize the native land. In the modern communication space, one of the most effective ways of creative communication is the international Postcrossing project, founded on July 14, 2005 by Portuguese Paulo Magallanes and Ana Campos. The essence of the project is the exchange of postcards within the created community, which anyone can join. The exchange takes place through postal communication: sending through communication offices and delivery by postman.

This project has incorporated effective mechanisms of local history study and popularization of the features inherent in the region. The community is constantly evolving: the number of postcrosser meetings is becoming a frequent occurrence, as evidenced by the calendar of meetings. The catch phrase “Where-where? In Karaganda!” formed the basis of the plot of the counter postcrosser postcard (author Pastila) of Karaganda for the 88th anniversary of the city. February 10, 2022 is also a memorable date for postcrossers of Karaganda – exactly one year since the release of the first postcrosser greeting card of the city, which integrated into the world community with the inclusion in the international calendar of meetings and the use of the official logo.

The only monument in the world to the famous catch phrase “Where-where?” – “In Karaganda!” traces the history of its origin since May 28, 2011, and with the funds raised by Kazakhstanis, it was installed in Karaganda At the opening ceremony, an initiative group of Karaganda residents was awarded a Guinness Book of Records certification certificate, as evidence that the sculptural composition is the first and only monument to the winged phrase in the world.

The presentation of a set of postcards “Karaganda at the junction of epochs (II half of the XX century – I half of the XXI century) took place at the event. Images for postcards are presented by the presenter of the heading “My city” V.A. Nagaytsev. The set of postcards includes the former and modern appearance of Gagarin Square, which began to form in the 40s of the XX century. The composition of the architectural and planning node is also represented by a public garden, buildings of the buildings of the Karaganda Medical University and the Bolashaq Academy. Viktor Alexandrovich shared how these images were recreated, where you can see different epochs of the same urban view, as if you were traveling through time.

The head of the Department of Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Asakaeva D.S. plunged the participants of the meeting into an informative excursion “From the history of the development of education in the Karaganda region”, introducing the history of educational institutions of the city, pedagogical collectives and school contingent, educational conditions changing with each decade.

We hope that this event aroused the participants’ cognitive interest. Those who wish to study in the local history circle are invited to the Department of General Education disciplines (17 Abaya str., 307 auditorium).

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