I am going through pedagogical practice

I`m , Kartabayeva Gulnur Serikbekovna, a 4th-year student of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature” of the Bolashaq Academy in Karaganda.

From 30.01 to 05/15/2023, I pass a pedagogical internship at the Kazakh State University “Kazakh Support School (Resource Center) named after Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov” in the village of Botakara, Bukhar-Zhyrau district of Karaganda.

In pedagogical science, a person is the main value of society. In this case, the individual is transmitted as a subject of cognition, communication and creativity.

As Alexander the Great said: “If the teacher is good, the position is good,” we must maintain warm and close ties with the student, help the child choose the right path and take personal positions.

I conducted the first lesson on the topic: “Teacher-student relationship”, taking into account the language culture, the spiritual development of the student, as well as the manner of speech. The lesson was very exciting, but after the first lesson I received several comments from my supervisor and in the future I will work on correcting the comments.

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