About the importance of wearing masks

Dear friends! Remember: masks are needed first of all to avoid infecting others. Even if you do not cough or sneeze.

Most coronavirus is transmitted by airborne droplets: from the respiratory tract droplets of an infected person end up in the air, and then on the mucous membranes of a healthy person.

In order to get the drops in the air, an infected person does not need to sneeze or cough – just breathe, talk or sing. Therefore, it is important to keep a distance of at least one meter.

It is important to remember that an infected person can be dangerous to others a few days before the appearance of symptoms and in the case of asymptomatic illness.

There are reports on the Internet that masks, on the contrary, can be harmful. This is not the case. Masks do not interfere with normal gas exchange, a person does not suffer from lack of oxygen or excess carbon dioxide and is not at greater risk of getting sick.

We also remind you that currently the penalty for violating the mask regime is 30 MRIs (83 340 tenge).

The current penalties for violation of a mask regime under Article 425 of the Code of Administrative Offences are relevant, the reduction of its size by state authorities is not discussed.

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