There is not much time left until the important date – the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The Second World War was the largest and bloodiest war in human history. For our grandfathers and great grandfathers it became the Great Patriotic War, because they gave all their strength – physical and mental – so that the world would return to their native land, and their families and loved ones would not become victims of the fascist regime.
The Republican newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” published an article “Forgotten Heroes of the Great War” by Nurlan Orynbasarovich Dulatbekov, Doctor of Law, Professor, MP of the Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
More than 27 million lives were taken by the Great Patriotic War. Among them were many of our compatriots. In his article Nurlan Orynbasarovich tells about several heroes of Kazakhstan, who were presented for the title of Hero, but for one reason or another did not receive this high award.
“Many of them were seriously wounded during the feats of arms, many of them never lived to see the Great Victory … Those about whom I wrote are only a small part of the underestimated heroes found in the lists of award lists.
“In our difficult times, it is very important to preserve the memory of those who fought against the Nazi plague for peace and a bright future. Looking at their extraordinary example of heroism, strength of spirit, firmness and courage, we, today’s Kazakhstanis, will be able to confidently confront those difficult challenges that the present time throws us. The memory of the heroes of the past is priceless, it is the pledge of the future. So we will remember and honor our heroes!”
Read on the website Kazakhstanskaya pravda
Read about the article “Forgotten heroes of Great War”