Defense of diploma works in the mode of on-line graduates of the Department of DiNO

The long-awaited days of late April have brought to the Bolashaq Academy not only warmth, but also new excitement. Quarantine regime continues and, therefore, studies and current exams are held remotely. We have already got used to distance learning, and it’s not the first year when we take exams remotely. But on April 29th, an important innovation that can be said to determine the future of the student and the university was introduced into this standard: for the first time the defense of diploma works was held remotely, using the platform zoom!

The first were diploma holders of the DINO department, their scientific supervisors, members of the State Academy of Sciences and the staff of the DINO department. We can say without exaggeration that it was the strongest psychological test for all members of the process. And how not to worry and not to worry, when the graduate students do not have a number of support of friends and girlfriends, with whom they have studied together for so many years, there is no reliable shoulder of the leader, one look of which in usual situation will help to calm down and find the right answer.

No less alumni were worried their supervisors and members of the commission – how will the technique work, will everything be seen and heard, will not there be any unforeseen situations?!

Despite the virtual nature of the process, the most important thing was present at the defense – a friendly atmosphere, when all the participants – teachers, students and technicians – were striving for one thing: to show that several years of study at the Academy “Bolashaq” were not in vain!

What only the kindergarten experiments were not told about, what only colorful visual aids were not shown!

And the answers of graduate students dispelled all doubts: we saw before us quite mature professionals, who can no doubt trust the most expensive – their children and grandchildren.

And the names of the main “heroes” – here they are:

1. Shishkunova O.A. – scientific director Korkina V.N.

2. Amelina V.M. – scientific director Khvan N.I.

3. Khovrach A.A. – research supervisor Khrapchenkova N.I.

4.Yablonskaya A.A.- research supervisor V.N. Korkina

5.Kononova N.I. – research supervisor Khvan N.I.

And what in the end? And in the end we can say with joy and deep satisfaction – the exciting atmosphere of the holiday of sciences in the Academy was not overshadowed by assessments: all the graduates defended themselves on “excellent”!

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