On April 24, 2023, as part of career guidance work, meetings were held with graduates of schools in the city of Shakhtinsk: school-gymnasium Sh.Ualikhanov, OSH named after S. Asfendiyarov, school-lyceum named after A. Bokeikhanov, OSH named after E. Buketov, OSH No. 7, No. 6, schools of the village. Shahan, Dolinki and Novodolinki.

The meeting was also attended by teachers Akhmetova N.T., Taubayeva G.N., Talikova G.T., Alekseeva E.A., Makazhanova G.B., Kosmanova A.B., Nurtayeva D.B., Kopzhasarova S.I., Abdresheva M.K.

The problem of choosing a profession has always faced high school students, and now it is becoming particularly relevant in connection with the changes taking place in our society.

The students took an active part, asked their questions related to the admission conditions. We received information about the main competitive advantages of our university, educational programs, forms of study and a flexible system of tuition fees.