Most recently, on March 13, the imam of the Karaganda region, Estai Aituganovich Abdigali, covered the dastarkhan in the Duman restaurant in our city in honor of the holy month of Ramadan. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this event, which was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, scientists, famous citizens, representatives of the media, cultural centers, and officials, was very eventful.

Deputy Akim of the region E. Kusain congratulated the public on the beginning of the month of Ramadan and made a weighty and meaningful speech. As part of this event, the chief imam stressed that the holy month is aimed at the spiritual purification of people, and most importantly, at strengthening the unity, cooperation and spiritual harmony of the people of Kazakhstan during the negative events taking place in the modern world. The holding of cultural events, the accountability of Estai Aituganovich on the work done and the exchange of opinions with the public – everything was successful. He requested the provision of a land plot for the construction of an apartment building to improve the social situation of people who are on the path of religion, and the need for financial assistance from wealthy citizens. In general, many people should understand that this topic is not too easy and difficult. We are not experts in this field, but, oddly enough, our imam is such a person, with a predominance of the character of a politician, a good manager, a skillful organizer, determination, integrity, assertiveness. Perseverance, the ability to work with the public, communication skills with executive bodies, the ability to find a response from the public, in other words, we can say this person is an expert in human teachings. And in order to rise to such a level, a person must be an honest citizen, have a pure nature, consciousness.These distinctive features are peculiar to our imam.

Anyone can become a recognized person, first of all, of their country, and then of a wide range of people, if they skillfully combine the triads of mentality, religion, and language. Today’s young generation of the country, which only yesterday was within the framework of the totalitarian order, is massively turning to religion. They need knowledge that only a skilled, literate person should lead. Regarding our religion, there are different opinions that religion has become a business, not entirely honest and literate imams, Arab schools, etc. work. Concepts have increased: here, in our opinion, one should not compare the ancient Arab culture, rich heritage with lowly souls following the path of religion.

What is needed here is a humane, noble mind, a broad intellect. The attitude born of different opinions is that religion does not give birth to life, but rather, religion is born out of life. The concepts of creation and delusion currently prevailing in religion cannot be considered as a single concept. We must do everything possible to help Imam Estai and other imams who work tirelessly to make an independent country strong and stable.

The work of an imam in itself requires the implementation of serious, very large-scale affairs. Most likely, this is the beginning of the program “Islam and the value of traditions”, meetings with readers, scientists, the beginning of teaching their lectures -all this speaks about the hard work, great organization of our Imam Estai Abdigali.


Member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.

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