Alash Orda: Alikhan Bukeikhan

Years of life 1866-1937
The outstanding Kazakh scientist, journalist, ethnographer and social-political figure Alikhan Bukeikhanov was born in 1866 in Karkaraly district of Karaganda region.
Bukeykhanov received not bad education for his time: he graduated from Omsk Technical School in 1888 and the Economics Department of St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Institute in 1894.

In 1905-1907 he graduated from the Omsk Technical School in 1888 and the Economics Department of the St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Institute in 1894. Bukeykhanov was the editor of the newspapers “Irtysh”, “Omchi”, “Voice of the Steppe”. Since the spring of 1913, Bukeikhanov was the editor of the “Irtysh”, “Omchi”, “Voice of the Steppe”. Bukeikhanov in cooperation with A. Baitursynov and M. Dulatov started to publish the newspaper “Kazakh”. During 1913-1916 this newspaper was closed 26 times for its anti-colonial nature.

Аlikhan Bukeikhan at his house. Мoscow, 1937.

А. Bukeykhanov was an active politician. He became a member of the Cadet Party in 1905, but his paths diverged with them after the February Revolution, as Bukeykhan stopped finding support among the cadets in the most important issue for him – granting autonomy to the Kazakh people.

Ордер ареста и обыска А. Букейханова. Москва, 26 июля 1937 года.

Order of arrest and search of A. Bukeykhanov. Moscow, July 26, 1937.
However, soon A. Bukeykhanov left the party of cadets, and together with other representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia enters the executive committee of the party “Alash”, and in December 1917 was elected chairman of the “Alash-Orda”.
Bukeyhan was one of the leaders of the Alash party, and in 1917 he became the commissioner of the Provisional Government for Kazakhstan. In December of the same year on his initiative at the second All-Kazakh kurultay (founding congress) Alash autonomy was proclaimed, which existed for two years. The highest authority was the Provisional People’s Council, which was called “Alash Orda”, and its chairman was Alikhan Bukeykhan. In 1919, Alash Orda raised a rebellion against the Bolsheviks, he did not succeed. All this led to the abolition of Alash Horde, and the creators of the autonomy promised amnesty. In fact, the Soviet government has not forgotten anything and in the 30s, almost all those involved in the struggle for autonomy were repressed.
In 1920-1930s Alikhan Bukeyhanov was arrested three times by NKVD bodies.
On September 27, 1937, he was convicted by the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks for belonging to a “terrorist organization” and shot on the same day.

Аlikhan Bukeikhan before execution. Моscow, 1937

On the Don cemetery (Moscow), the head of our project Dulatbekov N.O. installed a memorial plaque at the burial place of a prominent public figure, teacher, journalist, ethnographer Alikhan Bukeyhanov and a prominent political figure Nygmet Nurmakov.


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