Shevyakova A.L. , Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines in co-authorship with a kazakhstan team of scientists published an article “Features and public financing of digitalization and E-Government: The case of Kazakhstan” in the journal included in Scopus: Journal of Infrastructure, Policy […]
Science Competitions
Shevyakova A.L., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal and Financial Sciences, in collaboration with an international team of scientists, published the article “Change Management in Agriculture 4.0: SAP-LAP Model in Support of Sustainable Development and Food Security” in the journal included in Scopus: Global Journal of […]
THE REPUBLICAN CONTEST “THE BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER – 2023” STARTS ON NOVEMBER 1 Acceptance of documents for participation in the republican contest “The best University teacher – 2023” starts on November 1 and will last until November 15. The winners of the competition will receive more than 6 million tenge. […]
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2023-2025. ? According to the Competitive Documentation, applications are accepted for the following priority areas of science development: ?Regional use of natural resources, fauna and flora, […]
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for grant funding for young scientists for their participation in scientific and (or) sci-tech projects for 2023-2025. According to the Competitive Documentation the applications are accepted for the following priority areas of science development: ?Rational […]
On May 20, the final round of the regional competition for student and postgraduate scientific research works, “My Legislative Initiative,” took place. The competition was organized by the Department of Legal Disciplines and involved students and postgraduates studying in legal specialties. The competition was held in two rounds. During the […]
On February, 25th, 2022 the academy “Bolashaq” held the annual Republican scientific-practical conference (with the international participation) “YOUNG AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF MODERNITY”. The conference was attended by students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates, young scientists of the Academy, as well as young scientists of universities of the republic and neighboring countries. […]
Dear doctoral students, postgraduate students, undergraduates, students, researchers, teachers of universities and colleges, experts from preschool and secondary schools and other interested persons! We invite you to take part (article publication) in the International (foreign) scientific and practical conferences, which will be held in Dushanbe (Tajikistan). Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Kishinev (Moldova), […]
The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda Region and KSU “Kogamdyk Kelisim” of the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda Region invites you to take part in the regional contest for the best scientific project, dedicated to the Kazakhstani model of social harmony and nationwide unity […]
The next annual contest of research papers of students and graduate students is held in “Bolashaq” Academy. The contest of research papers is held to develop research skills of undergraduate and graduate students, attracting them to research activities. Students and graduate students of the Department of Legal Disciplines regularly participate […]
Bolashaq Academy hosts the Annual Competition for Undergraduate and Master’s Research Papers. Scientific research work of students and masters is an integral part of training, promotes the formation of future specialists’ readiness for the creative implementation of the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired at the Academy, helps to master the […]
The Eurasian Patent Office announces holding the Eurasian Patent Universiade “Looking into the Future” dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization. The purpose of the Universiade is to support talented young people and increase their interest in intellectual property issues. Students of educational institutions and other interested […]
Dear undergraduate and graduate students! We invite you to take part in the competition of students’ and masters’ scientific works. Students and undergraduates of all courses of the Academy can take part in the competition of scientific works. In each research direction of the competition (8 directions) the best work […]
The cycle of trips of the staff of the grant project “Creation of trilingual dictionary of biological terms with the linguistic and cultural component” completed with the final business trip to Nursultan in the period from 10 to 15 December 2020. During the trip research assistants Ishmuratova Margarita Yulaevna and […]