Happy and hardworking students are the key to the prosperity of the Academy! Today, on October 19, a long-awaited concert for the first year students was held at our Academy. It was very pleasant to see happy and delighted faces of our students. We had to write scripts, invite the […]
On September, 27th at 15:00 in a palace of students (2nd floor) of the main case of E.A.Buketov Karaganda University will take place a SESSION OF ONE-MANAGE Chess game with the International master of chess (IM) Kasimov Bauyrzhan.And also do not miss the opportunity to take part in the Tournament […]
If you have encountered corrupt practices on the part of civil servants or have become an unwitting witness of illegal corruption violations, you should contact the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Counteracting Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) in one of the following ways: In writing to the postal address: 12 […]
On September 20, 2021 SIC “Rukhaniyat together with the senior teacher of department of the general educational disciplines Kosmanova A.B. among students of all educational programs of Academy “Bolashaq” have lead discussion of the manual of the scientist-humanitarian of our epoch Svetlana Vladimirovna Lurie (1961-2021) “Historical ethnology”. The first edition […]
On September 13, 2021 in the sports center “Batyr” was organized an annual, traditional “Rector’s Cup” mini-football tournament among teachers and students of “Bolashaq” Academy. It was a great opportunity to show yourself and show your best qualities. In the tournament 7 teams from different groups and courses took part. […]
On September 11, 2020 online conversation with 1st year students was held on prevention of religious extremism and terrorism, political extremism. The speaker was Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna, Vice-rector on SVR of “Bolashaq” Academy. In the course of the conversation the issues of destructive currents in society were discussed, the legal […]
On June 29, there will be a live debate in the American-Parliamentary Format on Youtube, on the topic of “Vaccination”.
On June 23, 2021 SIC “Rukhaniyat together with the head of the department of general educational disciplines E.B. Kasenov among the students of all educational programs held a discussion of the research work of Edward Wadi Said “Orientalism” in the special project “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the […]
SRC “Rukhaniyat” Within the framework of circle lessons with students of educational program “6B01702 – Foreign language: two foreign languages” the participants of the “Rukhaniyat” circle got acquainted with with cartographic material including overview schemes of tourist objects in the Northern Priaralie, map of Aralsk, maps of the surroundings of […]
The championship of the region on judo among young men and girls till 23 years passed in Karaganda. Masters of tatami from all region took part in championship of the region. Student of Legal Disciplines Department, group U-20-2 of “Bolashaq” Academy Esmagambetov Nurkhan won the second place in the regional […]
At the Championship of Asia on Sambo and Asian Youth Championship on Sambo in Tashkent the highest step of the podium rising and won a gold medal in the weight category of 88 kg a first year student of the group U-20-2, academic program 6B042010 – “Jurisprudence” Academy “Bolashaq” Sapar […]
On June 4, 2021 on the day of the state symbols of the RK, at the initiative of the regional scientific center of additional education for children “Saryarka Daryny” Karaganda region on the Zoom platform a meeting of the head of the department of legal disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich with […]
On May 31, 2021 in the frameworks of the international project “Tarikhtan tagylym – otkenge tagzym” – “Memory in the name of the future” was held scientific and practical forum “Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Memory” in the House of Friendship, Pavlodar. The director of “Rukhaniyat” Academy […]
Each year, the faculty and students of Bolashaq Academy pay tribute to the memory by participating in a requiem rally. On May 31 on Memorial Day of victims of political repressions and famine in Kazakhstan at the Spassky Memorial a solemn meeting is held and wreaths are laid in memory […]
On May 27, 2021 the director of SRC “Rukhaniyat” A. Aupenova as a speaker took part in the scientific-practical conference “Repression and Famine in Kazakhstan: the tragedy of the people and lessons of history” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Karlag, 90 years of mass starvation in […]