On April 12, Isetova Dina Mukhametzhanovna doctor of HLS gave a lecture on “The rules of a healthy lifestyle of a girl. She told about proper nutrition, benefits of physical activity, healthy sleep and the formation of habits for appearance. She invited them to a women’s club which has opened […]
On April 8, 2022 the mobile team of Blood Transfusion Centre collected blood from students and staff who actively participated in the action. The aim of the Donor Day is to help people in need of medical help. The station is dedicated to the collection, processing, storage, transportation and use […]
The clean-up is important for formation of ecological culture, attraction of public attention to preservation of cleanness of city streets. On the 9th of April, 2022 students of 1-2 courses of “Bolashaq” Academy took part in the city Saturday work day, organized by akimat of Karaganda region. Armed with equipment […]
On April 7, 2022 in the white hall of “Amanat” party building were held public hearings on the issue of NEET youth employment and measures taken within the Presidential instructions to reduce youth unemployment. The hearings were also available online. Regional and city Maslikhats deputies, representatives of state bodies, higher […]
Buketov Karaganda University held a regional student essay contest “Rukhani zhangyru – the heritage of Alash Orda” conducted within the framework of “Rukhani zhengyru”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Arman Merdenov, the student of the group U-18-2 took part from our Academy under the scientific advising of […]
On April, 6, 2022 members of scientific-expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Karaganda area: associate professor, pro-rector on strategic development of Academy “Bolashaq” G.M. Rysmagambetova and m.j.s., director of SIC “Rukhaniyat U. Aupenova took part online in the working meeting of the Scientific-Expert Council of the […]
The chief imam of the city mosque No. 1 “Al-Mashani” Zhanbolat Koshkeldi and parishioners of the mosque has organized an action for students keeping fast during the month of Ramadan “Iftar for 1000 tenge” on April 5. In connection with this, the Committee on Youth Affairs and the volunteer movement […]
On the 5th of April in E. A. Buketov Karaganda University was held Republican intellectual game in format “Brain-ring” among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on theme “Independence is the most expensive “. There were 21 teams participating in the intellectual game. Bolashaq Academy was represented by […]
On April 4 the Committee on Youth Affairs and representatives of the volunteer movement “Meyirim” held an action “Ramadan is a messenger of good” to distribute food kits to needy families, timed to the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims. The charity event was launched at […]
A sunny March thaw contributed to the warmth with which our participants and guests met at the meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus”. The President Dilnaza Nazarova welcomed everyone who is interested not only in learning new things, but also in wondering what is significant in his life and […]
On March 18, 2022, professor of the Kazakh language and literature educational programme of Bolashaq Academy of Karaganda region, Candidate of Philological Sciences Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich participated in the round table “History is made by personalities”, organized by the school-lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bokeykhan of Balkhash.
From March 23 to 25, 2022 in Petropavlovsk the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on hand-to-hand fighting among juniors. Athletes from all regions competed for the right to compete in the international arena. More than 300 athletes took part in the championship of the country. The purpose […]
Regional Spring and Beauty Contest “Koktem aruy – 2022” was held on March 30 in Karaganda. Female students of colleges and universities competed for the title of the best. Erudition, artistry and ingenuity. These criteria competed participants in the annual contest “Koktem aruy – 2022. Age of the girls from […]
From 10.03 to 18.03.2022 year in Karaganda XVI Student Games for prizes of akim of the Karaganda region. During two weeks students competed for medals in the winter all-round events, kazak kuresi, chess, table tennis, skiing, skating, track and field, indoor football, etc. Bolashaq Academy team achieved the following successes: […]
On March 15 in “Bolashaq” Academy the Committee on Youth Affairs organized an annual, traditional variety vocal show project “EKI ZHYLDYZ – 2022” for students and famous singers of Karaganda region. This event is timed to coincide with the 12th anniversary of “Eki Zhuldyz”! Almost 12 years have passed since […]