On March 26, 2024, students of the Bolashaq Academy of all educational programs and the teaching staff of the Department of General Education and the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines took part in a dialogue platform. The speaker of the event was the head of the group of architects of the […]
Interesting information
The development of our society is directly related to the knowledge that is passed on to the younger generation. And its content and quality, satisfaction of spiritual and cultural requirements of a person largely depend on the educational center?. A special requirement of the new time. Are these advanced technologies?, […]
Since 1990 in Kazakhstan a purposeful work on the preservation of the historical memory and rehabilitation of the victims of totalitarianism is carried out. On 18 September, the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR No. 70 “On measures to assist rehabilitated citizens affected by the illegal repressions in […]
The Republic of Kazakhstan is working at the state level to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repression. In 2010 an international forum “Memory for the Future” was launched under the auspices of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. By implementing this project every year, the APK has […]
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in January instructed to prepare a law on the bankruptcy of individuals. A bill has been drafted and is currently under review by the relevant authorities. In this regard, Z.K. Usuvalieva, Senior Lecturer of the Finance Department gave an interview on the subject to the correspondent of […]
On April, 6, 2022 members of scientific-expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Karaganda area: associate professor, pro-rector on strategic development of Academy “Bolashaq” G.M. Rysmagambetova and m.j.s., director of SIC “Rukhaniyat U. Aupenova took part online in the working meeting of the Scientific-Expert Council of the […]
On March 18, 2022, professor of the Kazakh language and literature educational programme of Bolashaq Academy of Karaganda region, Candidate of Philological Sciences Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich participated in the round table “History is made by personalities”, organized by the school-lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bokeykhan of Balkhash.
On June 4, 2021 on the day of the state symbols of the RK, at the initiative of the regional scientific center of additional education for children “Saryarka Daryny” Karaganda region on the Zoom platform a meeting of the head of the department of legal disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich with […]
On May 28, 2021 there was an online meeting with students of “Bolashaq” Academy on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism, as part of the state program to counteract religious extremism and terrorism on the platform of social network Instagram. Asel Tokzhumanova, a specialist of the Department of Internal […]
The exhibition “Zulmat zhildar kasireti” opened in Karaganda library named after J. Bekturov for the Day of memory of political repressions and famine, its section is devoted to the literature, published in the framework of the project “Karlag: memory in the name of future”. According to the pages of the […]
On May 24, 2021 Karaganda Regional Youth Library named after J. Bekturov held a historical and cognitive evening “The tragedy of the bitter years”, moderated by the head of the Department of General Education disciplines, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Kasenov E. B. for the Memorial Day of victims […]
The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” together with the Kazakh University of Humanities and Law named after M. Narikbayev held a national debate tournament. M. Narikbayev held a national debate tournament “Atameken CUP”. Debate Club of the Academy “Bolashaq” took an active part in the tournament, competing with the strongest […]
May 2, 2021 the championship of Kazakhstan in grappling GI, in which the student of group In-19-2 of “Bolashaq” Academy Zhanel Kusainova won first place. The Academy closely monitors the sports achievements of Janel and is proud of her victories! Read: https://www.instagram.com/p/COY3vWuMZa4/ Sport Fight Club “Arystan”
On April 23, 2021, students of the Bolashaq Academy participated in the Youth Reader event at the Gogol Library in honor of World Book and Copyright Day. The broadcast of the meeting is saved on the Instagram page of the N. Gogol Regional Universal Library. https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_8-zAqPIX/