On April 25-26, 2024, the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the educational program “6V01701 – Kazakh language and literature” was held at the Karaganda Buketov University. The subject Olympiad was attended by students of the 4th year of the […]
Академия "Bolashaq"
On April 26, 2024, a sectional meeting took place as part of the traditional international scientific and practical conference ‘Science and Education in the Modern World,’ focusing on the theme ‘New Directions in Linguistics and National Literature’ The Sectional Session of the International Conference on Science and Education in the […]
13 articles were submitted to the conference. The geography of the authors of sectional reports is as follows: 3 reports were from West Kazakhstan University named after. Makhambet Utemisova, Uralsk; 2 reports from the Kazakhstan Medical University named after. Asfendiyarova S.Zh. (Almaty), 3 – from Karaganda University named after. Buketova […]
On April 26, 2024, the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) ‘Science and Education in the Modern World’ took place. A total of 12 papers were submitted to Section 6, addressing current challenges in the development of social and humanities sciences. Among them, 3 presentations were delivered […]
On April 26, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Conference on “Science and Education in the Modern World” was held at the Bolashaq Academy. The event brought together leading scientists, educators, researchers, and practitioners to discuss pressing issues in various fields of science and education. Multifaceted Discussion The conference featured […]
On April 26, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in the Modern World”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of K. I. Satpayev, was held in the assembly hall of the main building of the Bolashaq Academy. At the plenary session of the conference, Candidate of Legal […]
The Bolashaq Academy actively participated in the nationwide campaign “From Heart to Heart,” organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan to provide assistance to those affected by floods. We are pleased to announce that our team has gathered a significant amount of humanitarian aid, which includes food supplies, […]
The April meeting of the “Personality Plus” psychological club brought together students from various educational programs: “Pedagogy and Psychology,” “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education,” “Jurisprudence,” and “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages.” Sofia Husainova, the president of the “Personality Plus” psychological club, noted that today’s meeting is dedicated to the […]
Head of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines of the Academy “Bolashaq” Kabzhanov Akylbek Taibulatovich on April 26, 2024, took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Shokan Readings – 28 New Scientific Paradigm: Collaboration, Digitalization and Commercialization” at the North Kazakhstan University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Kokshetau. The […]
On April 27, students and faculty of Bolashaq Academy, together with the Karaganda city administration and other universities in the city of Karaganda, participated in the environmental action BI Green. As part of the BI Green event within the national movement ‘Clean Kazakhstan,’ green tree saplings were planted along the […]
On April 27, Bolashaq Academy actively participated in the “Green Zone” clean-up event as part of the “Clean Kazakhstan” campaign. Together with the faculty led by the rector of the Academy, students participated in the “Green Zone” clean-up event and successfully conducted the cleaning of streets and territories. The campaign […]
The E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University held the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the educational program “6B01701 – Kazakh language and literature” on April 25-26, 2024. Additionally, students from other nationalities of Kazakhstan’s universities participated in the discipline […]
On April 18, 2024, the E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University hosted a regional quiz competition among students titled “Me and the Law”. ✔ The aim of the quiz was to prevent and deter violations of law among youth, and to enhance their morality and legal culture. In this quiz, […]
On April 23, the annual traditional competition “Two Stars 2024” was held at the Bolashaq Academy. The theme of the competition this year was about love. The competition was held by creating a duet of teachers and students of the Academy. Competitors:1 pair: Korzhumbayeva Maral Berekelovna and Dzhirembaeva Nicole; 2nd […]
On April 26, 2024, a conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.I. was held in the assembly hall of the main building of the Bolashaq Academy. Satpayev and brings together leading scientists and specialists in the fields of law, economics, linguistics, medicine and pharmacy, as […]