On April 23, 2024, in accordance with the plan of the education department of the Karaganda region, the regional scientific and practical center for additional education of children “Saryarka Daryny” organized the regional stage of the republican readings of Ilyas Zhansugurov among students in grades 8-11. The winners of the […]
Monthly archives: April 2024
On April 23, the 7th meeting of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the direction of “Healthcare” took place. Representatives from all medical universities of Kazakhstan participated in the meeting. From the Academy “Bolashaq,” members of the State Expert […]
On April 19, 2024, the International Scientific Conference “XXIV SATPAEV READINGS” was organized at the S. Toraigyrov University in Pavlodar, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev. From the Bolashaq Academy, a student of the Fm 19-2 group Asanova Gulshat participated in the conference together with the […]
On April 24, 2024, the defense of diplomas for students of the PiP-20-2 group (daytime section) of the educational program “6V01101 – Pedagogy and Psychology” took place. The diploma defense was attended by the following faculty members from the Department of Pedagogy: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Abdrahmanova A.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor […]
World Book and Copyright Day is a holiday designed to strengthen the love of books and reading. Every year on April 23, this holiday is celebrated all over the world. He emphasizes the importance of books as a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and […]
On April 20, the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE: PERSONALITY, CULTURE, PROFESSION” was held at the RUDN University in Moscow. Goals and objectives of the conference: -stimulate the research activities of students of non-philological specialties in the professional field in Russian; – develop and improve scientific and […]
Today, hundreds of foresters will plant 90 thousand pine seedlings in a burnt forest in the Kirzavod area. This massive forest restoration is carried out as part of the Taza Kazakhstan campaign. The landing was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the city of Karaganda. In addition, activists […]
On April 9, 4th year students of the educational program “Kazakh Language and Literature” passed the stage of pre-diploma defense. Students of the graduating group presented their prepared works based on the graduation topics they had studied since September of the current academic year, some even from the last academic […]
On April 18, 2024, at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov (Shymkent), a training was held for students and teachers of the university on the topic: “Legal culture as the basis for combating corruption.” The training was conducted by senior lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial […]
On April 18, 2024, the international forum Internationalization of Higher Education: INT-KZ Universities Partnership was held at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov. It was attended by 12 delegations from universities in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and Canada. The welcoming speech was made by… O. Chairman […]
On April 17, as part of the prof. orientation work by the student government of the Bolashaq Academy, School No. 17, School No. 27 and School No. 11 were visited in Temirtau. The purpose of career guidance work at school: – providing career guidance support to students in the process […]
On April 16, during vocational guidance work, students of the Bolashaq Republic visited Lyceum No. 14. The target audience was students from grades 9 to 11. Future applicants were shown a bright video and told about the main advantages of the academy, opportunities and interesting student life of our Academy. […]
On April 21, 2024, senior teacher of the department of general education disciplines, member of the Karaganda regional tourist club of Ilyasov A.U., collecting materials for the 2nd volume of the publication about the founder of mountaineering and mountain tourism in Central Kazakhstan N.V. Paganuzzi, visited the mountaineering museum named […]
On April 22, 2024, the pre-diploma defense of students of the PMNO group – 20-2 (full-time department) took place in the educational program 6B01301 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.” The pre-diploma defense was presented by Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Ph.D. Abilkasimova G.K., associate professor Eshmuratova […]
On December 7, 2022, an open curatorial hour on the theme “The 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and other countries” was held in the assembly hall of the Bolashaq Academy. The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication organized this event. The purpose of the […]