On 9.11.22 the Debut-2022 competition will be held at the Bolashaq Academy.The competition is held in the following stages: Pop-vocal singing: 2.Choreography Expressive reading: Acting Show host Reception department room 212 Contact number: 87076224352 Application desk 212 Tel: 8 707 622 43 52
Monthly archives: November 2022
On November 4, at the invitation of the leadership of the KSU” bereznyak general education school”, Bolashaq Academy, head of the Department of” Kazakh language and literature”, professor Sembiev Kurmangazy anchor took part in the conference on the topic” Akhmet – the teacher of the nation “and gave a lecture […]
2 ноября 2022 года в Карагандинском университете Казпотребсоюза быд проведен круглый стол на тему: «Молодежь в науке: проблемы и перспективы развития». Модераторы круглого стола: Магистр, ст.преподаватель Е.С. Абиев и доктор философии phD, ст.преподаватель А.М. Тынгишева The purpose of the round table: discussion of the problems of the development of youth […]
The curatorial hour on the theme “Halloween” was held on 03.11.22 by senior lecturer, Master of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Abilzhan Altynai Bolatkyzy. Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses participated in the curatorial hour. The purpose of the event: to summarize the knowledge of […]
02.11 .22 врач Академии провела беседы в группах по формированию здорового образа жизни. Она призвала студентов к правильной организации повседневной жизни, полноценного питания, повышению физической активности, раннему выявлению хронических заболеваний, особенно железодефицитной анемии. ЗОЖ важен для создания здоровой семьи и рождения здоровых детей! Так же врач обратила внимание на профилактику […]
On November 2, the republican scientific conference “The scientific heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov and current problems of language and literature” was held in the online format at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. В конференции принял участие заведующий кафедрой казахского языка и литературы Академии «Bolashaq» Сембиев К.З., который выступил с докладом […]
On the 29th of October the Center for scientific research, humane pedagogy and pedagogical guidance took part in the scientific-methodological seminar devoted to the topical issues of multicultural education in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy. The scientific-methodical seminar […]
This is one of the measures to combat corruption in universities Such measures were called by the Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, Kazakh24.info reports with reference to MIA Kazinform. “We are now very seriously concerned about the issue of everyday corruption in higher education. The institution of […]
On November 1, the students of groups Ju-22-1 and Ju-21-1, accompanied by curator Kuanysheva S.N., visited the museum of KarLAG. Students learned about the history of life of prisoners in the “Karlag” camp and why they became “enemies of the people. They were introduced to museum exhibits describing the conditions […]
Poetry is the art of the word. An unparalleled example of artistic excellence in literature. Moreover, poetry has a great opportunity to reflect the most important social and social phenomena. It is a powerful tool for learning about the world around us, life, a huge productive sphere of our public […]
This day is marked in the calendar of our independent state on October 18 and approved at the First World Congress of Spiritual Accord in 1992 as an important date for the adoption of the Manifesto, the purpose of which is to strengthen the spiritual values of the multinational people […]
On November 1, 2022, the Republican competition of research projects among school students of the Karaganda region was held. The event was held within the framework of the RNPC “Daryn”. On November 1, 2022, the Republican competition of research projects among school students of the Karaganda region was held. From […]