How to learn English easily? This question is very relevant for all specialties, and he was dedicated to an open curatorial hour, held April 21. During the dialog with 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students curators Maryshkina T.V. and Abdresheva M.K. outlined the basic principles of productive learning English, possible […]
Daily archives: 21.04.2022
On April 21, “Bolashaq” Academy doctor Kuur S.G. gave a lecture on the prevention and treatment of chronic iron deficiency anemia. Anemia is a decrease in the total amount of hemoglobin, most often manifested bydecrease of its concentration in a unit volume of blood. In most cases, with thewith the […]
18.04.2022 year senior lecturer of the department of “Finance” Usuvalieva Z.K. conducted career guidance work among 11th grade students in schools of Zhanaarka settlement. The work was conducted in the following schools: Bimende Amalbekov Comprehensive School – 56 pupils in three final classes; A resource school on the basis of […]
The literary and creative contest “A heart that is beating for Alash” was held on April 21 at Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov. The event was timed to the 150th anniversary of the national teacher A. Baitursynov. A second-year student of the Kazakh language and literature department […]
April 7, 2022 a senior teacher of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kuanysheva S.N. held career guidance at KSU “General school named after S. Mukanov” among students in grade 11.
April 15-16, 2022 the International Scientific Conference of undergraduate, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2022” was held at the Kazakhstan branch of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. During the plenary session, held on April 15 at the conference hall of the Gumilev ENU, guests and participants were […]
On April 20, 2022 on platform ZOOM, online Regional Subject Olympiad in Pedagogy and Psychology was carried out. The organizers were Karaganda Regional Training and Methodological Center of Education Development and Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. The Senior Lecturer, Master of Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education Department Sabira Sartaevna […]