Dear friends and colleagues! We invite you to participate in the 10th Anniversary Table “Children of the 21st Century. Features of upbringing and education. Preservation of Russian language and culture in the conditions of immigration” of the International Union of Russian-speaking parents and parents of children from mixed marriages, which […]
Daily archives: 05.12.2019
Dear doctoral students, post-graduate students, masters, students, researchers, teachers of universities and colleges, specialists of pre-K and secondary school and other interested persons! We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science, Education, INNOVATIONS: APPROBATION OF RESULTS OF STUDENTS”, which will be held in Neftekamsk […]
Economics and management: problems of sustainable growth and development (economics, finance, accounting and audit, management, public and local governance, standardization, certification and quality management of goods and services, marketing, tourism). 2 Precise science, technology and technology at the present stage (physics, mathematics, computer science, technology, mechanics, energy, construction, architecture, infrastructure, […]
For the purpose of effective implementation of the national program “Rukhani Zhangyru” it was initiated for the heads of state bodies, NGOs and other institutions of civil society, on the basis of the Civil Alliance of Karaganda region to hold a methodological seminar on the theme: “Innovative criteria for evaluation […]
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, A.A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University, Faculty of Economics and Law we invite to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “State and Law: Actual Problems of Forming Legal Consciousness” which will be held on December 10, 2019. The information letter is […]
Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is planning to hold the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of combating crimes and other offenses” on February 7 and 8, 2020. We invite you and your colleagues to take part in the conference. The reports […]
We invite teachers and heads of educational institutions of additional education, comprehensive schools, institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, psychologists, researchers and practitioners, students of higher education institutions (only in co-authorship with the head) to participate in the International MEDIA-conference “The science. Socium. Society”/”Science. The Socium. Society”, as […]
On December 6, 2019, at 15.00 we invite everyone to take part in the round table “Gender and Health” at the following address: 16 Erubaev Street, Karaganda, Bolashaq Academy, auditorium 401. ROUND TABLE PROGRAMME 1. Introductory word and brief report on the topicality of the topic of the round table […]
On November 21-22, 2019, our students Nikita Turkenich, Yu-18-1, Arman Merdenov Yu-18-2 and Kisina Zarema F-18-1 took part in the national competition among leaders of the youth anti-extremist movement “????????? ??????? ??TREMISM”! The scientific supervisor of the students is Botagoz Telmanovna Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Social-Educational Work of “Bolashaq” Academy, Master […]
From November 26 to 28, the I Republican Student Meeting and XVI convocation of the heads of the Committee on Youth Affairs of educational institutions within the framework of the project “Development of Youth Self-Government” took place, in which active students of the “Bolashaq” Academy took part. Spartakiads and workshops, […]
On November 19-21, during the Kazakh Language Week, students of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of the “Bolashaq” Academy together with the Karaganda Innovation Lyceum (KTL) held a literary and informative open lesson “Daulpaz akin-Kasym”. The open lesson was organized by R.N. Ismailova, Associate Professor of Kazakh Language and […]
Implementation of the national program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, the Law “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” takes an important place in the work of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. The activity in this direction has an informal character. This academic year it is given a new impetus […]