He was born in 1923, the native of village Semijarka of Pavlodar area (now VKO), he was called by Semijarsky Regional MEC on November, 10th, 1942, he served as the radio operator of field post 41537, was lost on January, 27th, 1944 in village Demekhi of Gomel area of Belarus.
His name is inscribed in the list on the Memorial plate of the military burial in the village of Demekhi and is under the protection of the state of Belarus.
May 9 on Victory Day, July 3 on the Day of Independence of Belarus and November 18 on the day of liberation of Belarus from the German fascist invaders, solemn rallies with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the military grave.
In accordance with the decree of the President of the USSR on the basis of the order of the commander of the 282 rifle regiment of the second combat division number 175 of April 2, 1943 Omarbekov Sagdat was awarded the medal “For combat services.
Currently, in the village Kokkoba May district lives his sister Omarbekova Mainzuma, born in 1926.
Granddaughter of the hero Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna