Rabies is an acute infectious disease that occurs after a bite from an infected animal, characterized by severe damage to the nervous system. Without special treatment it leads to death of the patient. The source of the rabies virus are both wild and domestic animals. Wild animals include wolves, foxes, jackals, raccoons, badgers, skunks, bats, rodents, and domestic animals – dogs, cats, horses, pigs, small and large cattle. Often rabies-infected animals can be distinguished by profuse salivation and lacrimation, as well as by the observation of signs of water phobia.

Infection of humans occurs when bitten by a “rabid” animal. Also by contact with the saliva of a sick animal on damaged skin or mucous membranes.

There are no methods of treatment as such against rabies. Vaccines currently used are usually administered 6 times: injections are given on the day of contact (day 0), and then on days 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90. If the bitten animal has been monitored and remains healthy within 10 days of the bite, then further injections are discontinued.

What should you do if you are bitten by a sick animal?

  • Immediately wash the bite site with soap and water. Wash quite vigorously, for about 10 minutes;
  • Do not cauterize the wound or stitch the area;
  • as soon as possible go to the nearest health center, because the success of rabies vaccination depends greatly on how quickly you seek medical attention.

Even if your own dog, cat or other pet has bitten you and you are not sure if your vaccination was administered in time, you should always visit a doctor and take your pet to the veterinary clinic for examination and vaccination.

Preventative measures against rabies

  • Compliance with the rules of keeping domestic dogs and cats-registration and registration with the veterinary service;
  • Mandatory annual preventive immunization against rabies in dogs and cats;
  • Do not help a sick animal yourself;
  • not allow children to touch other people’s dogs, cats or other animals;!
  • Avoid contact with street (stray) animals.



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