Currently, for all participants of the educational process, issues of professional self-determination of the younger generation is one of the most relevant areas of work. In this regard, the senior teachers of the department of “Pedagogy” Nurkenova G. K., Shutenova S.S., Esmagulova A.A. planned interview on career guidance work in Saransk Higher College of Humanities and Technology named after A. Kunanbaev was conducted. During the conversation we answered a number of questions to help college students in addressing issues of professional self-determination, to make an independent and conscious choice taking into account their value orientations, abilities and opportunities, life plans and prospects. During the meeting, teachers provided comprehensive information about Bolashaq Academy and answered students’ questions. Since the problem of professional self-determination of young people is one of the most responsible and important work of the organization of education in the educational process, we express gratitude to the teacher Idrisova M.A., who took an active part in organizing this meeting from the college.