“Tragic January. President Tokayev and learning lessons”

Why were the tragic events of January 2022 in Kazakhstan followed with excitement all over the world and, above all, the closest neighbors, Russia and China? An economically successful and oil–rich country is a pillar of political and economic stability in a strategically important but explosive region. Kazakhstan is the largest state in Central Asia. And in the post–Soviet space – the second in terms of territory and the third in terms of population. In those days, the fate of the country depended on one person. From President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Those who started all this assumed that the president would give up, get scared, and maybe leave the country. And they made a big mistake in it. He could not leave his country. And he did everything to save her. Discontent caused by rising fuel prices suddenly turned into a large-scale political protest, and then into terrorist actions, an anti-state conspiracy… But still a lot is unclear. A new book by Leonid Mlechin, who visited the scene of the events, tells about what happened in January 2022 and about today’s Kazakhstan, which is Russia’s neighbor, partner and ally.

The book is presented in a clear and accessible language. The author is a well-known journalist and political scientist Leonid Mlechin

We recommend everyone to read carefully and this opportunity is provided to us by our library of the Academy “Bolashaq”.

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