04.03.204 Senior lecturer of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of the Bolashaq Academy Abylbaeva B. A. took part in a regional seminar organized by the language resource center at the Department for the Development of Languages of the Karaganda region in cooperation with the Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov on the topic “The process of teaching the state language and digital technologies”

In order to improve the methodology of teaching the state language, promote ways to use the possibilities of digital technologies in the learning process and improve the professional qualifications of teachers, university teachers, methodologists from regional and city language learning centers took part in the event and exchanged experiences.

During the event, cooperation was established between colleagues, rational proposals were made. At the end of the seminar, the director of the Language Resource Center Bibigul Saduovna thanked the speakers who made a meaningful report, wished them fruitful work, presented letters of thanks and certificates.
We are confident that in the future we will continue to solve topical issues together and strive to improve the level of our language.
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