The consequences of the tragic years

On May 31 , 2023 , at the Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repression in the village of Dolinka hosted a round table dedicated to the day of remembrance of victims of political repression and famine.

The children and great-grandchildren of the repressed and deported took part in the round table: Maria Dmitrievna Ermachenkova, Boris Nikolaevich Makarov, Lidia Sergeevna Pen, Ksenia Olegovna Morozova, writer Dauletkhan Abilkhayyruly, his family had to survive the famine of the 1930s in Kazakhstan, migrate and live in Mongolia, in 1992 the family returned to Kazakhstan.

Deputy of the Department of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Karaganda region, members of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saktaganova Z.G. and Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines Ilasova A.U. spoke at the round table.

The round table was held in the format of a live dialogue, which contributed to further cooperation on the preservation of artifacts of living memory – memories.

Members of the state commission for the full rehabilitation of victims of political repression Saktaganova Z.G. and Ilyasova A.U. had the opportunity to record an interview on the topic: “What was the children’s share?” the descendants of the repressed B.N. Makarov and M.D. Ermachenkova, who will be published in the collection of memoirs.

We thank the head of the Baynova S.K. and the museum staff for their comprehensive approach to the application of modern technologies, such as storytelling, etc., aimed at preserving historical memory and its objective perception by everyone who gets acquainted and wants to learn about the consequences of mass repression.

A report on the event can be found at the link:

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