From 23.01.23 to 12.05.23 at the specialized boarding school “Murager”, we, students of the 3rd year of the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature: Juragat Aimaral, Halambaki Batima, Tashmet Dana, Abdyhamit Asemgul, Izbasar Yeranat, Zhanibekova Alua passed pedagogical practice.
During the practice, we conducted lessons using modern techniques, prepared students for a scientific project, conducted open lessons. We prepared materials according to the calendar plan, accepted and checked the control work. Assessing the level of students’ knowledge, we learned how to put grades on the Bilim.all website.
We conducted a training dedicated to the methodical work of Magzhan Zhumabayev, the author of the first work “Pedagogy” in the Kazakh language, poet, writer. The training was conducted by Izbasar Yerganat and Zhanibekova Alua. The head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Academy ”Bolashaq” took part in the training Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich, responsible head of the practice – Abdrakhmanov Rustem Khasenovich and adviser – Smagulova Meruert Serikbayevna. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs – Zhaksybayeva Kuralai Bodeevna, Deputy Director for Educational Work – Akizhanova Indira Kakenovna took part from the school administration. In addition, we have prepared students for the regional scientific project “Alash kayratkerlinin rukhani murasy – ult zerdesi”. In accordance with the topic of the scientific project, we collected materials about Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev, interviewed university teachers and conducted a survey. Our student took the 3rd place in the regional scientific project.
Pedagogicalyk praktikada 5-11 synyp aralagynda orys zhane kazak synyptaryna bilim berdik.
Many thanks to our teachers who supervised our practice, Abdildina Saya Kenesbekovna, Tolep Kulzade Abekenovna, Kymbat Gabdulayevna.
We try to justify the trust of our managers, improve the knowledge that they have passed on.
It is safe to say that the experience gained in practice will have a great impact on how we will become perfect, competitive teachers of our profession in the future.