On April 24, a student scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “The Age of the Golden Horde: history and culture” was held at the BOLASHAQ Academy.

In her preface, Ph.D. Professor F. F. Sattarova emphasized the importance of this topic in that history is a temporal sequence of real events and that the era of the Golden Horde is a special historical period in Kazakh reality. At the seminar on the program, students raised pressing issues on this topic and made informative reports. Scientific methods and principles such as the unity of historicity and logic, historical reconstruction, hermeneutic analysis, and comparative studies were used as the scientific metadata of the seminar. Scientific reports noted that the era of the Golden Horde in the centuries-old history of the Kazakh people is an advanced example of understanding the world, studying our history, folk wisdom, and it was found that only a country that carefully treats its spiritual values in modern independent Kazakhstan can give it the nature of a kind of modernization in modern times.
Topic of reports discussed at the seminar:
State of the Golden Horde; Kunanbaev Serikbol, Yu-23-2

Zhoshy Khan – head of the Golden Horde; Kadrin Tlegen, Yu-23-2

Culture of the Golden Horde; Zhaksylykova Dana, K-23-1

Cultural and spiritual values of the Golden Horde; Toleukhan Rabiga, PMNO-23-2

Literature of the Golden Horde; Karabaeva Gulnur; FM-23-2

The rise and fall of the Golden Horde; Bolatbek Ayaulym; IN-23-2

The “BOLASHAQ” team took part in the seminar:
Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work: Raikhan Nalzhigitovna Ismailova

Head of educational and methodological department: Talikova Galiya Tyulyakovna
Secretary of the educational and methodological council: ALEXEEVA EVGENIYA ANDREEVNA;

Head of the Department of GED: Grigorchuk I. Yu. especially appreciated the significance and content of the scientific seminar and expressed her thoughts.
Student of group Yu-23-2 Kadrin T.B. summing up the seminar, he noted that the value system after gaining independence undergoes many changes and during the period of modernization of spiritual values, its main subject is the person, that is, the youth. Saying that the era of the “Golden Horde” is one of the most important historical periods in the history of Kazakhstan, we came to the conclusion that youth should serve spiritual values, perfection, and harmonious coexistence.