The November meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus” is dedicated to an amazing fact: the birth in 1902 of psychologists who lived in different countries, did not know each other, lived for a different number of years and made great discoveries that went down in the history of psychological science.
This determined the topic, which was outlined by the President of the club Dilnaza Nazarova: “Anniversary year of the constellation of great scientists.”

Opened a number of psychological discoveries E. Erickson. His study of identity was presented by our favorites Karina Perepechkina and Dilnaza Nazarova.

Their reflective analysis showed that it is identity, defined by E. Erickson as the search for answers to the question “who am I?”, “What am I?”, “Why am I?”, Is a key component of the personality not only of adolescents, but of every modern thinking person. .

The presentation of the scientific discovery by A.N.Leontiev was the scientific debut of Elena Basalaeva and Yulia Mantrova, first-year students of the dPMNO-22-1c group. Inspiringly and vividly in dialogue with each other, Elena and Yulia, being school teachers, proved that the activity approach of A.N. in their opinion, opens up the possibility of a new vision of the professional activity of teachers.

Lyubov Kimlach (student of the dPMNO-22-1s group) and first-year student of the Pedagogy and Psychology program Lisa Kerimova were “introduced” by the American psychologist Carl Rogers. They saw his theory of self-realization as the result of a causal relationship between the rigidly normalized youth of parents and the ability of K. Rogers to break out to an open and free statement of the “I” in humanistic psychology.

It should be noted that Lyubov Kimlach admitted how much Carl Rogers revealed to her to understand herself. The formula of the fate of the great neuropsychologist A.R. Luria – “love and science” was deduced by the final year students of the program “Preschool education and upbringing” Laura Zhampeisova and the future educational psychologist Zhanna Kusainova.

The founder of neuropsychology, who made great discoveries in the study of the brain A. Luria, was applauded by the whole world, and in his own country he was an “objectionable genius.” But the students, exploring the complex twists of fate and scientific ascent of the scientist, convincingly showed the brilliant continuation of his discoveries in modern medicine at the junction with psychological studies of memory problems as the main connection between man and the world.
It’s nice that our favorite was our guest – a graduate of the Bolashaq Academy Baurzhan Zhienbaev – Colonel, Head of the Department of Military Training of the Medical Academy, for whom psychology opened up a new facet of his profession.

Today’s meeting of the Psychological Club “Personality Plus” showed that the constellation of great scientists, born back in 1902, united today, in the anniversary year 2022, students of various educational programs in an effort to learn, explore and enjoy their own discoveries.