In November 2020, 2nd year for Masters students in all educational programmes: 7M04201-“Jurisprudence”, 7M04101-“Finance”, 7M01701-“Kazakh Language and Literature”, 7M01101-“Pedagogy and Psychology”, an orientation conference on pedagogical practice was held.

The heads of the practice are Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Asakaeva D.S., Abilkasymova G.K., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Mamerkhanova, Candidate of Philosophy, Professor Sembiev K.Z.

The heads of practices acquainted the graduate students with the orders of the Rector of the Academy № 102-105 from 26.10.20. “On sending to pedagogical practice”.

The leaders also spoke about the importance of pedagogical practice, introduced master’s students to the programme, which outlined the purpose, objectives and content of pedagogical practice.

A great emphasis was placed on the requirements for reporting documentation on the Master’s practice.