Seminar for students of Dino department

An important prerequisite for the training of highly qualified teachers is the correct organisation and conduct of practical exercises.

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Teachers in the Pre-School and Primary Education Department ensure that the educational process is of a high standard and that it is not only theoretical but also practical. After all, acquiring professional skills is the main demand of progressive young people and employers.

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In order to bring theory closer to practice and improve the quality of education, branches of the department have been established on the basis of preschool organisations, thus incorporating elements of dual education that have gained international recognition. This is the most common and recognised form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training at an educational institution with in-house training.

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We work in close cooperation with employers who are directly involved in the development of educational programmes, the list of competencies for each educational programme and practical training.

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On November 27, 2020 in the group DOV-17-1 within the framework of the educational discipline “Work of a methodologist of preschool organization” a seminar session was held on-line with the participation of a methodologist of preschool organization “Altyn Saka” Karaganda Bapakhova Raushan Zhumadilovna, who shared her knowledge and experience.

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An important factor in the effectiveness of this type of lesson was that the students were active, asked questions and were very satisfied with the lesson.

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