Round table “Zheltoksan -political and spiritual pedestal of independence”

On December 6, 2022, a round table among students and teachers “Zheltoksan – the political and spiritual pedestal of independence” was held at the Bolashaq Academy, organized by Professor of the Department F.F. Sattarova

The event was attended by the vice – rector for social and educational work Ismailova R. N. and Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations Kadyrova G. A. On the basis of the video material “Zheltoksan zheligarly”, reports and interviews were prepared defining the heroism of the December heroes, their political patriotic consciousness. Students Salikova M., Council B., Shari K., ND. Userbayeva G., MaratN., Dyusembekova V. read poems on the theme ”Independence”.
The lecturer of the department Grigorchuk I. Yu told about the reasons, as well as about the historical significance of the December events. At the end of the speech, F. F. Sattarova read the poems “Danalar rukhyna tolgau” and drew conclusions.

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