On the 15th of April in Gumilev Eurasian National University was held Republican forum of Vice-rectors on educational work, chairmen of the committees on youth affairs, as well as activists of student organizations on “Tarbielі Zhas – parasatty azamat” with the Minister of Education and Science Aimagambetov A.K. In this event on behalf of the Academy “Bolashaq” was attended by Vice Rector for Education Affairs Ismailova R.N. and Specialist of KMT Kojahmetov M.A.

In his welcoming speech to the participants, Minister Askhat Aimagambetov noted that it is necessary to pay attention to educational work in universities and bring it to a new level, the prosperity of new Kazakhstan is directly linked to the development of education and science, as well as human capital. During the open microphone forum participants discussed the topical issues on issues of educational policy of the university, work of student self-government organizations, development of student entrepreneurship, creation of sports leagues.

In the final part of the forum Askhat Kanatovich answered a number of questions from students and teachers, noting the high competitiveness of the national universities.