April 8, 2022 under the ideological and image work in the police department of Karaganda-Sortirovochnaya station a reserve colonel, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of OOD Academy Nabi Yelikbaevich Yelikbaev delivered a lecture on “Legal Culture: a key factor in the development of legal consciousness and legal culture. The event was related to the implementation of the Head of State’s instructions. According to the “hearing state” principle, police officers should be able to conduct an open dialogue with the public. In order for this to happen, police officers need a legal culture in the first place. The legal culture of police officers is made up of values, legal ideas, beliefs, norms of behaviour, and a system of legal traditions used to regulate their work. Legal culture and legal awareness is closely connected to morality. LOP officers listened to the doctor with interest, asked questions and received substantive answers. Such meetings will continue.
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