The Law “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” is 30 years old. Its significance for the development of our state is great: it has defined the status of the Kazakh language and the legal basis for the functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On September 20, 2019, the Regional Round Table “The fate of Language – the fate of the People” was held. The event was held in the House of Friendship on the initiative of the organization “Kogamdyk kelisim” at the office of the Karaganda Region mayor and the Department of Russian Language and Speech Culture of Karaganda State Technical University.
Its participants were teachers of language departments of higher educational institutions of the city, representatives of ethnocultural associations of Karaganda region and students. Interesting speeches on expanding the use of Kazakh, Russian languages in our region, the role of the language in intercultural integration, the implementation of the project of trilingualism in practical classes at higher schools, the study of native languages in ethnic groups were presented to the participants.
B.K. Begakhmetova, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Bolashaq Academy, told about the experience of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Academy in implementing the national program “Rukhani Zhangyru”.

The faculty of the Department has published a number of articles on the problems of comparative linguistics, modern methods of language teaching in various scientific publications.
Scientific research of the students of the department on topical issues of cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology is implemented in graduation projects, speeches at national and international conferences. They research parallel reflection of cultural phenomena of two-three peoples in the Kazakh, Russian, English languages that expands their intercultural-communication and sociocultural competence, allows to look through language through culture of the country of studied language, and culture of the people through language.
The regional game-conference “Model United Nations” held in three languages at the initiative of the department attracts a large number of high school students. It promotes their social position, patriotism, interest in international politics and, of course, language learning.
The work on creation of the trilingual dictionary of biological terms on the basis of the grant of the MES RK is also the department’s contribution to the practical implementation of the Law “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the state program of modernization of public consciousness “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
The presentations of the Regional Round Table participants were accompanied by interesting discussion. It is necessary to note activity of students. They asked questions about destiny of the Kazakh language abroad, modern language of the press, Internet, the most effective technique of studying of languages, computer linguistics, work of ethnocultural unions in the Karaganda region. Participants of the round table came to the opinion that the fate of the languages of our state is in safe hands.