On October 31, 2019 in the House of Friendship the regional conference of non-governmental organizations of Karaganda region “New aspects of interaction between state and society in the light of the Concept of “Hearing State” was held.

The conference was attended by deputy akim of the region Abzal Nukenov, president of the Civil Alliance of Karaganda region Gulnar Kurbanbayeva, as well as representatives of NGOs, political parties, trade unions, universities and government agencies.
Bolashaq Academy was represented at the conference by Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work.

For discussion were put forward the following questions: estimation of efficiency of functioning in Karaganda region of consultative and advisory bodies, problems of realization of the state social order in regions of Karaganda region.
At the end of the conference recommendations were accepted.