October 1 – old people’s day

Bolashaq Academy congratulates its older colleagues on the International Day of Older Persons!

This holiday is a day of universal recognition of the merits of citizens of the older generation, gratitude and respect! It was your generation that restored and developed the country during the hard post-war years. Much of what we are proud of today and what we truly cherish was created by your work, talent and dedication.

Life looks different from the years you have lived through. Your wise advices set the younger generation on the right path, help them make the right decisions. In your hearts we receive support and understanding, care and love. Thank you for that!

In December 1990, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated annually on October 1. This holiday has long ago turned from an official date into a good tradition of care and attention to the older generation.

The care of the older generation is a priority of the social policy of our country. We strive to do our best to make caring attitude to the elderly the main responsibility of each of us.

Этот праздник является днем всеобщего признания заслуг граждан старшего поколения, благодарности и уважения! Именно Ваше поколение восстанавливало и развивало страну в тяжелые послевоенные годы. Многое из того, чем мы сегодня гордимся и чем по-настоящему дорожим, создано Вашим трудом, талантом и самоотверженностью. 

From the height of the years you have lived, you see life very differently. Your wise advice sets the younger generation on the right path, helps them make the right decisions. In your hearts we draw support and understanding, care and love. Thank you for that!

In December 1990, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated annually on October 1. This holiday has long ago turned from an official date into a good tradition of care and attention to the older generation.

The care of the older generation is a priority of the social policy of our country. We strive to do our best to make caring attitude to the elderly the main responsibility of each of us.

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