On September 7, 2019 in the Palace of students of KSTU “Zhastar Aliemi” within the framework of the project “Bookcrossing” there was a solemn opening of the regional action “Bookcrossing Jusipbek Aimayyytov”, the purpose of which is to draw attention of the city residents to reading.
Karaganda residents got acquainted with the creative work of many writers and poets. A book exhibition was also organized. The participants of the action were able to read the books they liked.

The students of the department “Kazakh language and literature” presented the Academy “Bolashaq”.

Bookcrossing (in English “bookcrossing”) – one of the social movements, called to bring together a book and a person, which is based on the principle: “learn by yourself, pass on to another”.
According to the rules of bookcrossing, any person can put one book he or she has finished in a public place (park, cafe, library, etc.) and then read by another person who found the book and, after reading it, he or she also leaves the book and can read the book by another reader. The members of this social movement are called “bookcrossers”.