16. 01. 23 at 15.00 hours a literary evening “POETRY is A MIGHTY FORCE” organized by the poetry club “Gumyrdaria” was held.The evening was held by students of the 3rd year of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature”.The evening was opened by the head of the poetry club Juragat Aymaral. In her speeches, Aymaral spoke about the role of poetry in Kazakh society, about its powerful power, that POETRY is an endless world filled with mysticism that lies in the elusive mystery of a person’s inner feelings.

Then Ramazanova Aruzhan read the poems of M. Makatayev “Poetry, menimen egiz be edin ?”The participants expressed their opinions, discussed the poem, read the poems of their favorite poets. Students shared their thoughts about the poem by such poets as Magzhan Zhumabayev, Mukagali Makatayev. The impressions from this meeting were very pleasant. The participants thanked the organizers of the evening.