March 10, 2020, Ph.D., Professor G.Sh. Orazgalieva, Director of Rukhaniyat Research Center A.U. Aupenova, director of Advanced Training Center A.N. Kalizhanova, senior lecturer of the department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication T.V. Maryshkina took part in the work of interuniversity round table of the department of Russian language of Medical University of Karaganda within the framework of realization of the program of modernization of public consciousness Rukhani Zhangyru “Preservation of national identity in conditions of modern Kazakhstan”, dated to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of RK and Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Director of Rukhaniyat Research Center A.U. Aupenova made a presentation on the topic: “The Constitution is the legal foundation of legitimacy of the state”. The history of the constitutional legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, formation of the state of constitutional patriotism is considered. The main principles of the state of constitutional patriotism are the rule of law and the rule of law; universal legal obedience and security; freedom and responsibility. In this direction, another powerful tool of a programmatic nature is the article by Elbasy “Course towards the future: modernization of public consciousness” (12 April 2017).

Public consciousness also includes legal consciousness, which in its turn is an element of legal culture. Therefore, the successful modernization of public consciousness requires the development of measures and concrete projects aimed at raising the level of legal consciousness and legal culture of all actors, both State and civil society institutions and citizens.

Orazgalieva G.Sh., Kalizhanova A.N. and Maryshkina T.V. concluded the session with the speech on the theme “Role and meaning of electronic trilingual dictionary of biological terms in modern conditions of updated education content”. Gulfarida Shamsulova Orazgalieva, scientific supervisor of the project of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, told about the linguistic and cultural component, giving numerous examples in the state, Russian and English languages. Further, Anna Kalizhanova and Taisia Maryshkina described the course of work on the project and presented the online version of the trilingual dictionary, as well as shared their experiences on effective memorization of biological terms with the help of eidetic associations.

Finally, the grant team donated a disc version of the trilingual dictionary of biological terms for the full school biology course. The project aroused lively interest, which was reflected in the resolution drawn up as a result of the discussion of the reports of the round table, namely, the paragraph, which called for “the recognition and appreciation of the role of the electronic three-language dictionary of biological terms in modern conditions of updated education content” in providing the educational process with educational and teaching materials in three languages.

At the same time, the meeting decided to “recognize and appreciate the role of electronic dictionary of biological terms in modern conditions of updated educational process with materials of educational and methodical character in three languages”:
1) to recognize the leading role of the Constitution in ensuring the preservation of national identity of the peoples inhabiting the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) to appreciate the contribution of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan to the formation of the national identity of the young generation of the Republic and to continue to participate in its activities in this area;
3) to improve the methodology of teaching the trilingualism in the process of preparation of professionals;
4) to activate educational-methodical and organizational- personnel work for realization of trilingual education;
5) to create necessary conditions for providing the educational process with materials of educational and methodical character in three languages at the levels of education.

We thank the Department of Russian Language of Medical University of Karaganda for the excellent organization of such a productive and useful event for the young generation. We hope for long-term cooperation and new interesting meetings!