Participation in the online training seminar on “Criminal offenses against property

On the 13th of March 2021 for the students of B. Beisenov Karaganda Academy of MIA (gr. Yu-203) within the discipline “Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (special part)” was held online training seminar on “Criminal offenses against the property”, organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Master of Law, Lieutenant Colonel Turganov O. А.

As a guest of the training was attended by Professor Department of Legal Disciplines of the Academy “Bolashaq”, PhD in Law, the winner of the contest “Best Teacher of the university-2020” Abdizhami Aytugan Jumakhmetovna.

She stressed the importance of prevention of criminal offenses against property in the proper qualification of crimes.

Associate Professor Aytugan Zhumakhmetovna noted that the task of improving the literacy, qualification of future law enforcement officers today should be in the center of attention in building a crime-free society. Therefore, only honesty and diligence, boundless love for the profession, intolerance for delinquency will help to create a bright society.

The Academy “Boolashaq” expresses its gratitude to the organizers and active cadets of the Karaganda Police Academy named after B. Beisenov, we hope for further fruitful cooperation.

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